segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

Colóquio Teatro e Tradução de Teatro

Prezados(as) srs(as),
Convido a todos a participarem do Colóquio Teatro e Tradução de Teatro que estou co-organizando na FALE/UFMG.
Peço a gentileza de divulgarem a seus contatos.

Profa. Dra. Celina F. Lage
Escola Guignard

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016

Call for Chapters - Beyond Graduate Attributes: Embedding Work Integrated Learning into Undergraduate Degrees.


The Image Book Imprint

Call for Chapters

Dr. Arianne Rourke and Dr. Vaughan Rees from the University of New South Wales, Art & Design, Sydney, Australia, are pleased to announce they are curating a new book series with Common Ground Publishing: Transformative Pedagogies in the Visual Domain.

Previous books with Common Ground Publishing include:
Moving from Novice to Expert on the Road to Expertise: Developing Expertise in the Visual Domain (2015).
Researching the Visual: Demystifying "The Picture That's Worth a Thousand Words" (2014).
Building Minds, Forging Bridges: Teaching in a Visually Littered World (2013).

This new series is underpinned by the premise that transformative pedagogies are not limited by geographical, institutional or disciplinary boundaries and that the 'visual' is a powerful tool for igniting the quest for knowledge and understanding across many different disciplinary areas.

The focus for the seventh title in this new series is: Beyond Graduate Attributes: Embedding Work Integrated Learning into Undergraduate Degrees. 

Edited by: Dr. Vaughan Rees, Dr. Arianne Rourke, and Graham Forsyth.

Book overview:

This book presents case studies from around the world that examine ways for developing globally focused graduates and developing students who are capable of rigorous scholarship, leadership and professional and collaborative practice. A key goal of many universities is to prepare students for employment by ensuing that they are equipped with relevant knowledge, skills, capabilities and records of achievements to be competitive in a global market. This book fills the gap in the literature in terms of knowledge of what attributes and capabilities many employers require, how universities can best inculcate these capabilities, and when this learning should take place within an undergraduate program. This book will include multiple case studies that focus on educating for the creative industries, which will identify, assess, collate and disseminate best practice in developing work-integrated learning for these industries. The 'lessons learnt' provide evidence to inform and support future curriculum development across all disciplines with a creative industry base focus, such as art, design, theatre, media, music and architecture to name but a few. It will suggest methods for enhancing the capabilities, skills and knowledge of students both within the university-learning environment and through worked integrated learning so that students are provided with the necessary understandings and attributes to equip them to later pursue professional careers in the creative industries.

Chapter submissions are invited that address the following themes:

  1. Teaching attributes needed for graduate employability  Pedagogy for visually supported acquisition of cross-disciplinary innovation skills and knowledge.
  2. Assessing the strategies used to enhance student employability Pedagogy for visually supported acquisition of cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship skills and knowledge.
  3. The pros and cons of an employment 
focused curriculum renewal Pedagogy for visually supported acquisition of integrated capacity for cross-disciplinary collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship.
  4. The use of technology to enhance work-integrated learning.
  5. Teaching leadership and/or management skills.
  6. Group work to enhance collaborative practice and communication skills.
  7. Developing 'job readiness' through mentoring programs.
  8. Linking university learning to real world practice through connecting students with alumni.

Submit a Proposal

To submit a proposal, please send a 500-word chapter abstract as an email attachment to the series curators, Dr. Arianne Rourke and Dr. Vaughan Rees, at All submissions should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt., single spaced font, and should be saved in Microsoft .doc file format.

Please also include:

  • The book title which you are submitting a chapter for
  • Your chapter title
  • Full name and institution of all authors and email addresses
  • A brief biography for each author (around 250 words)

Submissions are due by 1st July, 2016.  You will be notified by the editor if your chapter abstract has been selected by 1st August, 2016.

We look forward to reading your abstract! 

Thank you,

Dr. Arianne Rourke and Dr. Vaughan Rees, Series Curators
On behalf of The Image Book Imprint

Common Ground Publishing
University of Illinois Research Park
2001 South First Street, Suite 202
Champaign, IL 61820 USA


terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2016

Convite: Diálogos sobre cerâmica/Lançamento de livro

O projeto de extensão da Escola Guignard-UEMG Teia do Barro convida para o evento sábado dia 21/05/16 das 9h às 12h no auditório da Escola Guignard-UEMG para

Diálogos sobre a cerâmica 
Com a presença das artistas/ceramistas:

Profª. Drª. Betânia Silveira 
Artista visual e ceramista, professora da Escola Guignard-UEMG desde 2014. Betânia Silveira é belorizontina, sendo que viveu e atuou no cenário artístico de Santa Catarina por mais de 25 anos. É graduada em psicologia e psicodrama, iniciou-se nas Artes-Plásticas por meio da cerâmica. Mestre  em Poéticas Visuais na ECA-USP e doutora em Teatro na UDESC, onde investigou as relações da performance e da teatralidade ligadas à cerâmica/argila.

Profª. Drª Liliza Mendes
Escultora, ceramista, ilustradora e fotógrafa, Liliza é professora adjunta do departamento de artes-plásticas da EBA-UFMG. Graduada em História UFMG. Estudou na The Clay house em Los Angeles Handbuilding Pottery, EUA. É mestre e doutora em Artes Visuais  pela EBA/UFMG. Em suas pesquisas, Liliza aborda sobre plasticidade, gesto, mãos, instância processual, modelagem e moldagem.

Laila Kierulff
Graduada em psicologia, Laila resolve dedicar-se ao ofício da cerâmica artística e mergulhar no universo dos utensílios. Professora de torno dos cursos de extensão da Escola Guignard-UEMG e em seu atelier em Casa Branca. Desenvolve uma linha de xícaras utilitárias e inutilitárias, além de pequenas esculturas e objetos inusitados.

Mary Di Iório
Mineira, vive entre Belo Horizonte e Rio de Janeiro. Licenciada em Desenho e Artes Plásticas pela FUMA e especialização em História das Artes e Arquitetura no Brasil pela PUC-Rio. Professora titular aposentada pela UFU. Autora do o Projeto e do livro "Estudo e Sistematização Bibliográfica sobre Cerâmica no Brasil"meu ip.

Favor divulgar para os alunos, será oferecido certificado digital aos ouvintes.

Teia do Barro